Daven for me at Ari’s Yarhzeit in Tzfat

Jul 14, 2021 by

Daven for me at Ari’s Yarhzeit in Tzfat



Hashem’s Upcoming Wake Up Call

US Elections – REMATCH Ahashverosh vs. Vashti

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  1. Sharon esh

    Thank you!!

  2. Michal

    Thank you Chaim David !!
    Tizki l’mitzvot

  3. Ingrid

    Thank you! I hope is well by you.

  4. david j. schwartz

    thanking you in advance

  5. Susan

    Thank you!

  6. Daniela

    Thank you for submitting our requests !

  7. Shoshana Stiefel

    Yasher koach

  8. sarah


  9. E Rivkah

    You are The best! All brachos for you!

  10. Suzanne Jacoby

    Thank you.

  11. Susan

    Thank you 🙂

  12. James

    Thank you ✨

  13. Devora

    Yasher Koach!! Hazk Hazak Vnitchazek!!!!

  14. Roni

    Thank you! May you receive tenfold of what you’re davening for others!

  15. Sherry Gerszberg

    Thank you so much and may G-d Bless you always!!

    Moshiach Now!!

  16. Aliza Liran

    Thank You! Hashem Bless You!

  17. Heidi


  18. Binyamin Tripp

    Thank you !! Be blessed!!

  19. Thanks and chag sameach!!!

  20. Beth Plotkin

    Thank you and may Hashem continue to Bless you and the work you do!!!

  21. Rachel Oliker

    Thank you so much. May you be blessed!

  22. Marina Belyavskaya

    Thank you!

  23. Roberta -bat Sheva fraydl

    May Hashem bless us all with the geulah shelayma sweetly and immediately! In your Zechut, of davening for all of us!

  24. Betsy Imershein

    Blessings to you, as well!

  25. julia khodik


  26. Aaron Parry

    Kol Hakavod!

  27. Marsha Smagley

    Hatzlacha and thank you! May all your tefillos be blessed and returned favorably iyH

  28. Marsha Smagley

    Thank you and may you have hatzlacha rabba and all our tefillos be answered b’tova iyH.

  29. Lisa

    Thank you!

  30. Binyomin Magden


  31. Melanie johl

    Thank you!

  32. Chaya Sorah

    Have to keep trying, keep praying. Thank you for your help

  33. Sharon Eshaghpour

    Refuah Shelima for Yitzhak ben Javaher

  34. Mordechai Yitzchak ben Dvora (obm)

    Thank you for including us.

  35. Leeba rus bas chanah leah

    To be zoche to make aliya soon in health and peace with abundance and my entire family

  36. Kathy Robbins

    Thank you..with hatzlacha

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