
Feedback re Chaim David and his Abra-Ca-Dabra Workshops, Calls and Private Sessions
“Thank you so much for tonight’s energy call. I am so grateful that you are doing this. You are devoting your life to helping Bnei Yisrael heal and prepare for Mashiach. THANK YOU!!!!”
– Rebecca Ness Woodmere, MY
And I can say that I would highly recommend that people do join your call because before making aliyah, I think it helped me a LOT. I think it was the extra spiritual push I needed to take the leap to finally make aliyah which led me to my beshert and now a baby on the way. Kol Hakavod Eric
– Serena Shimony, Israel formerly New York)
Thank you for the tremendous help and encouragement you gave me for this very challenging first week of Tammuz. Water flooding from the sudden storms, leaking showers and toilets an a myriad of other tests. By installing your spiritual shock absorbers, I had the energy to bounce back much more quickly from all the shocking tests I had to face this past week.
Thanks for getting rid of some of my negative blockage, especially letting go of my own controlling ego. I worked much better with my relatives who came to help me. And special thanks for boosting and strengthening my positive energies empowering me to move forward in my life and to accept all the wonderful blessings that Hashem really wants to send me. It was a real inspiration for me. Unbelievable – I thought the work being done was just for me. Now I have hope that I can really grow this month.
– Roberta Flatow, Floral Park, NY
Firstly happy and onward to The Geula. Secondly, I can’t thank you enough for giving-up your previous business career geared toward this physical world and embracing a new career as a spiritual physician for Hashem!
Lastly, the call last night was phenomenal. Yes I had a buzzing tingling sensation throughout my body and always around my head. My legs would once in awhile tense-up then relax. At one point I breathed in so hard it was like a helium balloon. I was ready to float up to heaven.
I recently had a number of challenges, and now feel an incredible calmness inside and an elatedness outside due to your help clearing blocks from negative emotions and self sabotage that seem to plague almost everyone. And of course I slept very soundly and I have good mental clarity.
I am also glad to have recently joined your monthly program which has helped tremendously. And thank you also for sharing your knowledge and insights which have helped enlighten me.
Have a good Shabbos
Diane Fisher, New York, NY
I must say, I was initially skeptical when Chaim Dovid offered to give a Kabbalistic energy healing session to club members at an event we call “JOC Day”. Following a morning of hiking, the 225 participants choose from one of 9 different classes, and Chaim David’s was far and away, the most popular one. Forty- five people attended his workshop and the feedback can only be described in superlatives. People described an powerful energy that permeated the atmosphere and subsequently felt greater balance and equanimity. As a result, this skeptic now invited Chaim David to another event this summer, where he will headline an evening of spiritual growth and healing in Central Park.
Alon Krausz
Founder and President
Jewish Outdoors Club
I have been with the Abracadabra program from the beginning—from its workshops, healing calls, and the mnth-long consciousness shifting program— and my life has changed so much because I have changed so much. I feel more in control, feel more hopeful and am able to hold the possibility of possibilities. I had been very stuck for years – think of crazy glue. My life was stagnant. I had no vision. Could only deal with my day to day existence. I felt trapped. I am a former commercial real estate broker and am used to moving and grooving and living by my wits. But, in the last few years, I just couldn’t do much.
I’ve been working on myself for a long time, step by step. Slow process. Like when am I going to have results already? But with Abra-ca-dabra, so many issues are cleared at once, that I actually was able to start moving again, even physically. The tools we learn are easy to use at any time, allowing me to help myself whenever I need to. I now have more control over my life, rather than my life controlling me. I feel my real self starting to surface again.
I’ve closed a deal, taken on a sales project, both of which just came from out of the blue. A relationship that was a constant heartache for me has changed. I now have the courage to ask for what I want, and experience greater self-acceptance and self-esteem, especially in relationships. I am more at peace with myself, and when I’m not, I know how to deal with it. I also feel more centered and have a stronger sense of myself and who I am. And, since I am experiencing more love for myself, I find that I have more love for others and receive more love back — which I kind of like.
Last but not least, Eric is wonderful. Always out there, always supporting us. Happily available when we need help, always a source of wonderful blessings. Most of all, I feel I am closer to owning my own role and contribution to life.
– Susan Meth New York, NY
Thank you, Chaim David, I have been feeling the shifts in my energy, perceptions, reactions, and over-all awareness. I am looking forward to more of this amazing work. My husband and I have needed the kind of support your work offers, especially during the end of Elul and the whole of Tishrei… > We managed to stay focused on the spiritual activities of those Yamim Noraim and it was awesome!
Edna Risker, Atlanta, GA
Chaim David –
B’H a month ago I was in trauma, food poisoning, in unhealthy relationship, limited income & depressed! Now my energy has increased, back in grad school, healing from serious shoulder injury, meeting new people, & soooooooooo much happier:) and Just got additional $ to pay my bills & totally relieved Baruch Hashem!I appreciate you positive & amazing healing!!
– Laura C. Queens, NY